Wednesday, January 21, 2009


剛在地鐵裡 .. 聽到數位OL 提起一個家家都會碰到的開心難題...

難題是... 每家生了小孩, 親朋戚友們一定會買很多 BB 衫褲 送贈給小孩...
問題來了, 每逢大時大節, 親朋戚友們定必相聚. 那..小孩應該穿誰送來的可愛衣服呢 ^^?

解決辦法 - 多帶幾套衫褲... 定時換裝 =]

這令我想到另一開心的難題 ^^

Sunday, January 18, 2009


昨晚.. 半夜睡夢中... 突有一男一女大吵大鬧...

鬧著要自殺.. 跳樓的... 

聽了... 十分可怕... 不斷有可怕的幻想...

幸好... 吵了十多分鐘... 應該有警察來調停了...

感覺.. 夜晚變得突別安寧.

但是... 仍是發惡夢的 ... 今天精神挺不好

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

How much energy I spend on a google search?

from Official Google Blog: Powering a Google search: "Together with other work performed before your search even starts (such as building the search index) this amounts to 0.0003 kWh of energy per search, or 1 kJ. For comparison, the average adult needs about 8000 kJ a day of energy from food, so a Google search uses just about the same amount of energy that your body burns in ten seconds"

I do 30 - 40 google search per day. Sometimes less, and sometimes more.

That's say .... 30 * 1kJ... I spent 30kJ energy per day on google search ~.~"
BUT... the energies I spent on typing keywords, clicking links, etc ... are not counted =]

Perhaps ... I might spent 80kJ per day as a sum ~~ lol

I really like GOOG. It's really doing a good business!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

香港教署... 囧


母語教學只可用中文 ... 最後就係學校自行決定 全中 / 全英 .... 
母語教學 只可以叫做失敗!


英書中教絕對適合香港小朋友... 點解唔俾英書中教??? 難道要保留面子?? 母語教學 一定要用中書中教 !? @#^*(@^#(*%@
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